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In Focus – China Stock Market Reforms
In mid-June 2020, China’s People’s Liberation Army and Indian troops engaged in a massive physical brawl in the Galwan Valley, located in the far-western Ladakh region along the China-India border. The clash, which followed a series of standoffs beginning in early May along multiple sectors of the border, led to at least 20 Indian deaths and an unconfirmed number of Chinese casualties. The…
The report analyzes nearly two decades of data compiled by the Bureau of Economic Analysis to profile U.S. commercial activity in China. It finds that the vast expansion of U.S. multinational enterprise (MNE) activity in China may challenge U.S. industrial competitiveness and long-term tech leadership. Since 2000, U.S. companies’ operations in China have been among the fastest growing globally…
The hearing examines China’s views of and approach to strategic competition with the United States. Panelists first assess U.S.-China strategic competition over the last 20 years in the economic, military, and ideological domains. The hearing then assesses how China views this competition playing out in the United Nations and key regions of the world. Finally, it examines how the U.S.-China…
In Focus – Two Sessions 2020
Since its establishment in 2000, the Commission has closely followed the situation in Hong Kong. Under the 1992 Hong Kong Policy Act, the Congress enumerated elements of Hong Kong’s special economic, judicial, legal, and political status. In 2019, the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act required the Secretary of State to certify annually whether Hong Kong warrants its unique treatment under…
Despite four decades of promised liberalization, the Communist Party-state retains the ability to intervene decisively in China’s banking system to achieve desired outcomes.
The following report, "China’s Space and Counterspace Capabilities and Activities," examines China’s military and civil space programs, including the role of military-civil fusion (MCF) and international cooperation in the development of its space program. It also addresses Beijing’s development and fielding of counterspace capabilities. It was prepared for the Commission by the Project 2049…
This hearing examines China’s growing influence in Africa and assesses the implications of this influence for the United States. Panelists analyze the strategic goals of China’s Africa policy and Africa’s significance to Beijing’s broader political and foreign policy interests. The hearing then assesses China’s economic activity in Africa, including its desire for commodities and resources,…