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Challenging China’s Trade Practices: Promoting Interests of U.S. Workers, Farmers, Producers, and Innovators


Hearing on "Challenging China’s Trade Practices: Promoting Interests of U.S. Workers, Farmers, Producers, and Innovators" 

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Dirksen Senate Office Building, Room 419, and Webex

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Hearing Co-Chairs: Commissioner Robin Cleveland [Opening Statement] and Commissioner Michael Wessel [Opening Statement]

9:30 AM – 9:40 AM: Co-Chairs' Opening Remarks
9:40 AM – 11:10 AM: Panel I: Competitiveness Concerns: Subsidies, Excess Capacity, Market Access, and Non-Tariff Barriers

11:10 AM – 11:20 AM: Break

11:20 AM – 12:50 PM: Panel II: Innovation, Technology, and Intellectual Property Concerns

  • Emily Kilcrease, Senior Fellow and Director, Energy, Economics and Security Program, Center for a New American Security [Testimony]
  • Stephen Ezell, Vice President of Global Innovation Policy, Information Technology Innovation Foundation [Testimony]
  • Mark Cohen, Senior Fellow and Director, Berkeley College of Law and Technology Asia Intellectual Property Project [Testimony]

12:50 PM – 1:35 PM: Lunch Break

1:35 PM – 3:35 PM: Panel III: Regional Economic and Trade Engagement

3:35 PM – 3:50 PM: Break

3:50 PM – 4:50 PM: Panel IV: China and the WTO

4:50 PM – 4:55 PM: Closing Remarks

4:55 PM: Adjourn